Tuesday, 30 December 2014

performance prediction and maintainance of flexible pavement

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This paper discusses the performance and maintenance of flexible pavement. The main objectives of this study are to predict the performance of flexible pavement using two distress models in the KENLAYER computer program and eight deterioration models in Highway Development and Management (HDM-4) and provide appropriate maintenance at the appropriate time based on performance using HDM-4. KENLAYER computer program has been used for determining the damage ratio using distress models. HDM-4 computer software has been used for predicting the performance using pavement deterioration models and also for pavement maintenance. Prediction of performance and maintenance has been carried out for the test section located in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. This region has a humid, warm, and wet climate prevalent in the west coast of India. The test section has seven layers, and it is a six-lane divided highway. Design life in years has been determined using distress models in the KENLAYER computer program. Asphalt Institute (AI) and Shell design methods have been considered using equivalent standard axle load (ESAL) and spectrum of axle methods of incorporating traffic for the design period. Comparison of design life has been made, and design life using AI design method due to vertical compressive strain on the top of the subgrade has been found to be governing while considering traffic using the spectrum of axle method. Eight deterioration models in HDM-4 have also been used to determine pavement performance. To determine the governing deterioration model, the output of the eight
deterioration models has been compared based on the allowable limits for Indian conditions, and
pavement performance using the cracking model has been found to be governing. Comparison has been made between KENLAYER and HDM-4 output. The analysis of the test section indicates that the life of pavement predicted by HDM-4 is less than that predicted by KENLAYER. Only cracking and roughness have been found out to be critical, and as a result, condition-responsive maintenance has been carried out using HDM-4. HDM-4 is a user friendly software and useful to predict the performance of the pavement and then provide appropriate maintenance at the appropriate time.

labels : performance prediction and maintainance of flexible pavement,pavement performance, flexibility pdf, pavement pdf,performance of pavement,flexibility of roads,design factors,design of pavement pdf.


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  • This Code provides information on wind effects for buildings and structures, and their components. Structures such as chimneys, cooling towers, transmission line towers and bridges are outside the scope of this Code. There are Indian Standards dealing with chimneys and cooling towers separately. Information on bridges (only static forces) is given in IRS and IRC Specifications. For aerodynamics of bridges, specialist literature may be consulted. With substantial work being done worldwide in the area of wind engineering, there is growing body of new information. The user of this Code is advised to consult specialist literature for the design of large or important projects involving various types of structures.
  • Wind is not a steady phenomena due to natural turbulence and gustiness present in it. However, when averaged over a sufficiently long time duration (from a few minutes to an hour), a mean component of wind speed can be defined which would produce a static force on a structure. Superimposed on the mean/static component is the time varying component having multiple frequencies spread over a wide band.
  • Wind causes a random time-dependent load, which can be seen as a mean plus a fluctuating component. Strictly speaking all structures will experience dynamic oscillations due to the fluctuating component (gustiness) of wind. In short rigid structures these oscillations are insignificant, and therefore can be satisfactorily treated as having an equivalent static pressure. This is the approach taken by most Codes and Standards, as is also the case in this Standard. A structure may be deemed to be short and rigid if its natural time period is less than one second. The more flexible systems such as tall buildings undergo a dynamic response to the gustiness of wind. Methods for computing the dynamic effect of wind on buildings have been introduced in this Standard.
  • Apart from tall buildings there are several other structural forms (though outside the scope of this Standard) such as tall latticed towers, chimneys, guyed masts that need to be examined for aerodynamic effects.
  • This Code also applies to buildings or other structures during erection/ construction and the same shall be considered carefully during various stages of erection/construction. In locations where the strongest winds and icing may occur simultaneously, loads on structural members, cables and ropes shall be calculated by assuming an ice covering based on climatic and local experience.
  • The construction period of a structure is much smaller than its expected life. Therefore, a smaller return period of 5 to 10 years or longer may be considered for arriving at the design factor (factor k1) for construction stages/period of a structure depending on its importance. In snowfall areas where icing occurs, wind loads have to beassessed accordingly. Elements such as cables and ropes can undergo a dynamic response in such cases and have to be examined accordingly
  • In the design of special structures, such as chimneys, overhead transmission line towers, etc., specific requirements as given in the respective Codes shall be adopted in conjunction with the provisions of this Code as far as they are applicable. Some of the Indian Standards available for the design of special structures are:

IS: 4998 (Part 1) –1992 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys: Part 1 - Design Criteria (first revision)
IS:6533 –1989 Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimneys
IS:5613 (Part 1/Sec 1)- 1985 Code of practice for design, installation and maintenance of overhead power lines: Part 1 Lines up to and including 11 kV, Section 1 Design
IS:802 (Part 1)-1995 Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead transmission line towers: Part 1 Loads and permissible stresses (second revision)
IS:11504-1985 Criteria for structural design of reinforced concrete natural draught cooling towers

  • NOTE: 1 – This standard IS:875 (Part 3)-1987 does not apply to buildings or structures with unconventional shapes, unusual locations, and abnormal environmental conditions that have not been covered in this Code. Special investigations are necessary in such cases to establish wind loads and their effects. Wind tunnel studies may also be required in such situations.
  • NOTE: 2 – In the case of tall structures with unsymmetrical geometry, the designs ought to be checked for torsional effects due to wind pressure.
labels : IS 875 PART - 3 WIND LOAD ON BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURE, is 875 pdf,wind load, wind load on structures, is 875 part - 3,is 875,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012, anna university civil engineering syllabus, regulation 2008.

Monday, 29 December 2014



labels : bending of beams, beams, bending formula,load on beam,deflection on beam,support reaction on beam,support reaction, deflection,moment on beam.bending moment on beam,bending force,bending,moment,deflection due to load,loading,factors of load.cantilever beam,simply supported beam,fixed beam,types of beam.



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Development of an intelligent flexible pavement performance model is the need of
implementing organizations to prioritize pavement maintenance and rehabilitation works,
as this involves cost economics. Pavement performance model, is an equation that relates
to some extrinsic ‘time factor’ (age or number of load applications) to a combination of
intrinsic factors (structural responses, etc.) and performance indicators which simulate the
deterioration process of pavement condition and provide forecasting of pavement
condition over a period of time. These pavement performance or deterioration models
play a pivotal role in pavement management systems. To develop these models, structural
and functional response measurement of 18 sections of low volume pavements were
carried out for two years continuously in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh states of India.
Statistical analysis tools and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are used to develop the
models. Statistical performance indicators and logical relationships between input
parameters and output parameters are used to select the best fit model. Polynomial
relationship best relates to the input parameters such as pavement age, CBR of subgrade,
traffic, pavement thickness and also to the output parameters i.e. pavement condition
indicators such as deflection, riding quality, surface roughness. Paired t-test is also
carried out for the validation purpose of chosen best fit models.

KEY WORDS: Deflection, Riding Quality, Regression Analysis, Artificial Neural
Network (ANN), Pavement Deterioration Model.

Efficient road transportation plays a vital role in the economy of any nation. Road
transport in India occupies a dominant position in the overall transportation system of the
country due to its advantages like easy availability, flexibility of operation, door to door
service and reliability. India owns the second largest network of roads in the world, next
to the USA. As per statistics of year 2009, the total road length in the country is over 3.3
million km, which gives the spatial road density of about 1 km/sq. km. of area. Out of the
total road network of India, village and other roads (Low Traffic Volume Roads) consist
of 80% of the share. Low traffic volume roads are mainly rural roads in India carrying
daily traffic less than 450 Commercial Vehicles per Day (CVPD) (1). Cross sectional
view of Low Volume Roads in India is given in Fig. 1. The thickness of sub-base layer is
around 200 mm and the total thickness of each layer of base course varies from 100 – 120
mm. Surface course is usually 20 mm thick premix carpet layer (closely graded aggregate
and asphalt mixed before laying, i.e. material premixed). Shoulder materials consists of
earthen material compacted according to standard Proctor compaction. Low volume roads
serve as one of the key infrastructure works, placed for integrated rural development,
Rastogi, Kumar and Gupta which has become a matter of growing urgency for considerations of social justice, national integration and economic uplift of the rural areas. The importance of preserving a road network in good condition is widely recognized and therefore, performance
evaluation of the existing roads is an absolute necessity.

Cross-sectional detail of low volume roads in India
Performance of flexible pavements has long been recognized as an important parameter
in their design and maintenance. In order to measure and prepare a model for pavement
performance, it is necessary to clearly define the pavement performance. According to
American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials (AASHTO) (2),
pavement performance is defined as “the serviceability trend of pavement over a design
period of time, where serviceability indicates the ability of the pavement to serve the
demand of the traffic in the existing conditions”. In other words, pavement performance
can be obtained by observing its structural and functional performance or predicting the
serviceability of a pavement from its initial service time to the desired evaluation time.
Normally, pavement condition can be evaluated on the basis of four aspects i.e. riding
quality, surface distress, structural capacity and skid resistance.
Deterioration of pavement can be attributed to various factors like age, traffic,
environment, material properties, pavement thickness, strength of pavement as well as
subgrade properties which affect the mechanical characteristics of a pavement. These
factors affect the performance of the pavement in a complex manner. To understand the
mechanism and to forecast the future condition of pavement, these deterioration models
are necessary. Pavement deterioration model is a mathematical relationship between the
pavement condition and the factors listed above. The pavement deterioration model
predicts the future condition of the pavement, which is helpful in development of
Maintenance Management Models (3, 4, 5, and 6).
Due to constrained budget and increasing challenges in pavement maintenance and
rehabilitation, Pavement Management System (PMS) has become a very beneficial
management tool for highway maintenance agencies. Pavement deterioration model,
which acts as the hub of analysis component, is the engine of whole management activity.
The pavement deterioration model is the very essence of a pavement management system
and is used to determine several fundamentals, including:

  •  Rate of asset degradation at both micro (project) and macro (network) level,
  •  Valuation of road assets (service life remaining), and
  •  Road user costs, including the vehicle operating costs, incurred by the public.

Pavement deterioration models are developed in the present study to evaluate and predict
the condition of low volume roads and based on pavement condition, maintenance
priority model is suggested in this study. Deflection and riding quality (in International
Roughness Index) are considered as pavement condition indicators and pavement age,
traffic, CBR of soil subgrade and pavement thickness are considered as independent
parameters for the prediction of the same. Pavement material quality is not taken as an
independent parameter due to the homogenous material used for construction of these
roads. The pavement material used was according to the norms and requirements of
Indian practice code IRC: SP: 20-1997 (7). Deflection data was collected using
Benkelman Beam and ride quality (roughness) measurements were done using MERLIN
for two years on the same section of the pavement. After data collection linear and nonlinear
regression analysis were carried out using DATAFIT statistical software package.
Artificial Neural Network model is also developed using MATLAB.

labels : FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE FOR LOW VOLUME ROADS PDF, pavement performance, flexible pavement,performance of roads, bending, cracking, pavement design

Review on the Use of Sewage Sludge as Fertilizer

Review on the Use of Sewage Sludge as Fertilizer
The Toronto Main Treatment Plant is planning on implementing a program to use biosolids
beneficially. Two uses are being considered: spreading treated sewage sludge on farmlands, and
marketing sewage sludge pellets as fertilizers. Concerns associated with these two uses are the
level of pathogens and chemical contaminants present in the sludge. The present review focuses on whether the controls put in place are sufficient to ensure that human health concerns are addressed.

Spreading of Sewage Sludge on Farmlands
The spreading of sewage sludge on farmlands is regulated at the provincial level in Ontario based on the Ministry of Environment (MOE) Guidelines for the Utilization of Biosolids and other Wastes on Agricultural Land. Sludge can only be used for this purpose if it has been stabilized (i.e. undergone a process to reduce pathogens, odour and to inhibit putrefaction), and is beneficial to crop production and soil health. The Guidelines lay out very specific conditions, which have to be met before sewage sludge can be applied to farmland. These conditions include the following.
  • general restrictions on the quality of sewage sludge, such as concentration of the nutrients and certain metals;
  • criteria relating to the sites where the sludge would be spread, such as separation
  • distances from residences, groundwater and bedrock, water wells and surface water;
  • spreading rates and the manner in which the sludge is applied;
  • soil criteria including concentrations of metals, soil conditions, suitable crops;
  • restrictions on crop production for sites receiving the sludge, by instituting different waiting periods for different crops after sludge application before the soil can be used;
  • handling and storage; and continuous monitoring, analysis and record keeping.

These restrictions are designed to ensure that utilization of sewage sludge on farmland is successfully carried out in an environmentally friendly manner with beneficial effects for the agricultural soil.
In addition to the Guidelines, MOE has control mechanisms at the implementation level.
At present, a Certificate of Approval is required before application of sewage sludge is allowed on a particular piece of farmland. The application has to include information on the level of fecal coliforms, the quality of sewage sludge and conditions of the soil proposed to receive the sludge. The Ministry is planning to simplify the approval process, without relaxing the basic requirements. Although approval may not be required on a site-specific basis, the Ministry will set up a soil registry, and farmers are expected 1 Prepared by Toronto Public Health (Health Promotion and Environmental Protection Unit, Public Health Planning & Policy Service), April 12, 1999. to follow the guidelines and maintain a good record. The Ministry’s proposed plan would
be revised to address concerns raised during public consultations.

The current process in place at the Main Treatment Plant involves anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge followed by dewatering. During anaerobic digestion, aerobic pathogens are killed and organic materials are utilized by the micro-organisms. The anaerobic pathogens are expected to be reduced after being removed from the anaerobic digester.
Dewatering further renders the conditions unfavourable for the pathogens to thrive. It is the dewatered sludge that is proposed to be spread on farmland. To control pathogenic risk, the guidelines require that the sewage sludge be stabilized beforehand in accordance with MOE criteria set for different stabilization procedures.
Fecal coliform is an indicator of the level of pathogens present in the sewage sludge. In order to meet the fecal coliform level, the Ministry regulates the residence time that the sewage sludge has to be in the anaerobic digester. At present, the Main Treatment plant has some problem with meeting the Ministry’s criteria for prescribed residence time. Work is under way to ensure this criterion is met before sewage sludge will be spread on farmland. While the level of pathogen is minimal in the sludge to be applied, the institution of a waiting period after the application of biosolids before people or animals are allowed to access the land further prevents contact of pathogens with animals and
humans. For farmland designated for growing crops, sludge can only be applied on bare
soil and the soil tilled. The waiting period allows the sludge to be incorporated further into the soil. For pastures, it would be spread on low cut grass. During the waiting period before animals can be allowed on the pastures, the grass would have grown and sludge that might have been deposited on the grass would have a chance to be washed and incorporated into the soil.
At the Main Treatment Plant, after the sewage sludge passes through the anaerobic digester, it goes through a dewatering process during which the sludge becomes roughly 30% solid. These conditions are not favourable for pathogens to thrive, particularly those that are of most concern. The use of stabilized biosolids as fertilizers does not provide the necessary conditions for the transmission of diseases such as necrotizing fasciitis, HIV and BSE. The utilization of stabilized sewage sludge has been practised for over 25 years in Canada and the United States. Toronto Public Health is not aware of any evidence of outbreaks of infectious disease directly linked to the practice.

Chemical Contaminants
As stipulated by the MOE Guidelines, the maximum permissible levels of metals in soils
are close to the provincial ‘background’ levels (i.e. levels that each metal occurs naturally in the soil). Maximum permissible levels are determined by taking into account the uptake rates of the metals into plants and their possible effects on vegetation, animals and humans. For most metals, vegetation is more sensitive to their toxic effect than humans. At present, the Certificate of Approval application also has to provide information on the proposed application rate, frequency and minimum years of application, calculated based on the maximum permissible metal content in soils, the soil conditions of the farm and the metal contents in the sewage sludge to be applied. A Certificate of Approval would not be issued unless the Ministry is satisfied that the practice would not lead to a built-up
of metals in the soil that would be a health hazard to both humans and the environment. Farmers would still be required to conduct the same type of analysis and calculations for their operation under the simplified approval process.
Persistent Organics
Although the Biosolids Utilization Guidelines do not set limits on persistent organics such as polychlorinated dioxins and PCBs, existing research suggests that they are unlikely to be a concern in Ontario treated sludge. The Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Agriculture and Food have conducted studies on the digested sewage sludge in Ontario and concluded that the levels of these compounds in the Ontario treated sewage sludge are generally so low that they would not constitute a health risk after it is mixed in with the soil. With the trend towards decreasing production of these
compounds in industrial operations, their levels are expected to decrease further. The Sewer Use By-law is currently undergoing review to further control the level of chemical contaminants in the sewage going into the Sewage Treatment Plants. The bylaw will include parameters that will support the City’s Beneficial Use of Biosolids program. The by-law will also include a provision for a Pollution Prevention Program as a first option for industries to implement.

Marketing Sewage Sludge Pellets as Fertilizers
The second beneficial use that is considered for the sewage sludge from the Toronto Main Treatment Plant is converting sewage sludge into pellets and marketing them as fertilizers. The process involves passing the dewatered sewage sludge through a pelletizer. The Main Treatment Plant will be using a thermal heating process by which the sludge would be pelletized by heated plates at 280EC. The biosolids would be dried from 30% solid to 92-95% solid during which pathogens would be virtually eliminated. Sewage sludge pellets are classified by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency as class A products under their Part 503 regulations. Class A products are considered to be pathogen free and are treated as unrestricted products in the United States. In Canada, sewage sludge pellets are regulated under the Federal Fertilizer Act, which puts a limit on the level of metals in the product. The anticipated target market for the sludge pellets from the Main Treatment Plant is the
bulk agricultural market. In other words, the intent is not to include retail sale to consumers for use in home gardens. Furthermore, the Main Treatment Plant is developing plans to provide specific instructions on how the products should be used, such as application rate, application frequency, etc. to minimize the so that build-up of metals or other chemicals that could pose a risk to the environment, human or animal health. The content of the pellets and the associated benefits and risks will be identified on the product. The product will be sold to informed farm operators who are expected to use the product in the way it is intended.
Marketing sewage sludge pellets has been practised in Smith Falls, Ontario. Toronto Public Health is not aware of any reported problems with respect to human, animal or environmental health when proper procedures have been followed. Further strengthening source control through the Sewer Use By-law, along with controls on the marketing and sale of the product, ensures that human health will be safeguarded.

Only the stabilized sewage sludge from the Toronto Main Treatment Plant is intended for its biosolid beneficial use program. The sludge has undergone a process to reduce its level of pathogens, odour and to inhibit decay. Sufficient control is in place to ensure that the level of pathogens and chemical contaminants in the sewage sludge would not result in health hazard to human and environmental health. Application of treated sewage sludge on farmland and marketing sewage sludge pellets have been practised in North America for sometime now, we are not aware of any evidence of outbreaks of infectious disease, or reported health problems when proper procedures have been followed.

labels: bio fertilizers, fertilizer from sludge, treatment effluents, bio manure, green manure, green fertilizer, sludge treatment plant uses, uses of waste treatment plant, bio uses,bio gardening

Friday, 26 December 2014


Bio gas Project at Mamallapuram Runner Up of the BBC World Challenge Contest!
Hand in Hand's waste-to-energy project at Mamallapuram has been chosen as a runner up by BBC's Down to Business World Challenge Series for promoting sustainable livelihoods and enterprise creation across the world. The project was chosen from nearly 640 nominations from across the world. Hand in Hand's Global Advisor, Dr. Percy Barnevik, received the award. The BBC World Challenge competition for sustainable businesses aims to provide practical help for small and medium sized enterprises throughout the world, with a special emphasis on turning sustainable ideas form niche business into mainstream enterprises. BBC ran a special programme series on each of the chosen NGOs and their projects and a world-wide poll was conducted by the BBC and Newsweek magazine.

Hand in Hand's Intervention at Mamallapuram SWM project
Mamallapuram, also known as Mahabalipuram, is a coastal town in the Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu. Located 50 kms south of Chennai, it lies on the Coromandel Coast facing the Bay of Bengal.
Mamallapuram is a 7th century port city and was the 2nd capital of the Pallava dynasty who ruled Kancheepuram between the 3rd century to the 9th century. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is home to some of the most magnificent temples and other historic monuments built between the 7th and 9th centuries, including the Shore Temple.
A very popular tourist destination, the town attracts thousands of national and international tourists every year. It has a population of nearly 15,000 and nearly 30,000 people visit the town every day.
Hand in Hand’s intervention:
Hand in Hand initiated its Solid Waste Management project at Mamallapuram in January 2008. Initially, the project was started in one ward covering 380 households and with 3 'green friends' (people engaged in door to door collection, segregation and processing of waste). The project was then expanded to 10 wards in June 2010 and now covers nearly 3600 households including the small businesses in the town. On an average nearly 4 metric tonnes of waste is collected out of which nearly 60% is processed and thereby diverted from the dump yard. The food waste is converted to vermi-compost in a compost park set up exclusively for the purpose. Recyclable wastes are segregated and sold to respective recyclers.
Ban of disposable plastics: 
In addition to the waste management initiative in the town, Hand in Hand also initiated the idea of banning disposable plastics in Mamallapuram along with the town panchayat. The ban came into effect from the 10th of February 2011 with all the stakeholders of the town panchayat extending their
support for the ban. Shops and other small enterprises have replaced plastic bags with net bags and paper cups have replaced plastic ones at tea stalls and small hotels since then.

Bio-methanation plant: 
With the objective of achieving sustainable development through environment friendly technologies and practices, Hand in Hand in association with the Mamallapuram Town Panchayat has also installed a bio-methanation plant to efficiently manage bio-degradable waste, especially food waste, generated by the hotels in Mamallapuram. On an average 3 MT of food waste is generated per day from the hotels in Mamallapuram.
A 100 cu.m bio-methanation plant with a capacity of handling 500 to 800 Kgs of food waste every day has been installed and the food waste converted to methane which is in turn converted to electricity. A 12.5 KVA generator, supplied by Kirloskar and which runs exclusively on bio-gas has also been installed. The generator has a capacity of producing electricity at 10 KW per hour.

Prior to the waste management initiative and installation of the bio-methanation pant, tons of food waste was sent to the dump yard every day. But now, a sustainable, environment friendly solution has been provided to prevent the air and water pollution caused by dumping the food waste. The project also provides sustainable employment opportunity to a handful of underprivileged men and women. The facility at Mamallapuram is also a model to demonstrate the reduced dependency on onventional energy sources as the entire waste management campus uses electricity generated by the plant. The biogas plant is also expected to serve as demonstration unit for the other local bodies to replicate for resource recovery and proper management of organic waste, particularly food waste. The project is of a great benefit to the environment, to the local community and to the larger population of enthusiastic tourists who pour in from all over the world to the historic town.

labels : bio gas production in india, biogas project in mamallapuram , bio gas energy, green energy, tamil nadu energy production, methanation process, green revolution, energy projects in tamil nadu, waste management, waste management in tamil nadu, solid waste management, swm projects

CE 2401 DRCB question bank 2 marks pdf

2 marks of DRCB pdf

3 1 0 4
This course covers the design of Reinforced Concrete Structures such as Retaining Wall, Water
Tanks, Staircases, Flat slabs and Principles of design pertaining to Box culverts, Mat foundation
and Bridges. At the end of the course student has a comprehensive design knowledge related
to structures, systems that are likely to be encountered in professional practice.
Design of cantilever and counter fort retaining walls
Underground rectangular tanks – Domes – Overhead circular and rectangular tanks – Design of
staging and foundations
Design of staircases (ordinary and doglegged) – Design of flat slabs – Design of Reinforced
concrete walls – Principles of design of mat foundation, box culvert and road bridges
Application of virtual work method to square, rectangular, circular and triangular slabs
Introduction, Classification of walls, Lateral supports and stability, effective height of wall and
columns, effective length of walls, design loads, load dispersion, permissible stresses, design of
axially and eccentrically loaded brick walls
1. Krishna Raju, N., “Design of RC Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi,
2. Dayaratnam, P., “Brick and Reinforced Brick Structures”, Oxford & IBH Publishing
House, 1997
3. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures ”Prentice hall of
India Pvt Ltd New Delhi, 2007.
1. Mallick, D.K. and Gupta A.P., “Reinforced Concrete”, Oxford and IBH Publishing
2. Syal, I.C. and Goel, A.K., “Reinforced Concrete Structures”, A.H. Wheelers & Co. Pvt.
Ltd., 1994
3. Ram Chandra.N. and Virendra Gehlot, “Limit State Design”, Standard Book House.2004.

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labels : ce 2401 pdf, ce 2401 drcb 2 marks,design of reinforced concrete and brick masonry,Design of cantilever and counter fort retaining walls,Underground rectangular tanks – Domes – Overhead circular and rectangular tanks – Design of staging and foundations,Design of staircases (ordinary and doglegged) – Design of flat slabs – Design of Reinforced concrete walls – Principles of design of mat foundation, box culvert and road bridges,Application of virtual work method to square, rectangular, circular and triangular slabs,Introduction, Classification of walls, Lateral supports and stability, effective height of wall and columns, effective length of walls, design loads, load dispersion, permissible stresses, design of axially and eccentrically loaded brick walls, brick masonry,

ce 2403 basics of dynamics and aseismic design 2 marks pdf

2 marks of CE 2403 basics of dynamics and aseismic design

The main objective of this course is to introduce to the student the phenomena of earthquakes,
the process, measurements and the factors that affect the design of structures in seismic areas.
This objective is achieved through imparting rudiments of theory of vibrations necessary to
understand and analyse the dynamic forces caused by earthquakes and structures. Further, the
student is also taught the codal provisions as well as the aseismic design methodology.
Concept of inertia and damping – Types of Damping – Difference between static forces and
dynamic excitation – Degrees of freedom – SDOF idealisation – Equations of motion of SDOF
system for mass as well as base excitation – Free vibration of SDOF system – Response to
harmonic excitation – Impulse and response to unit impulse – Duhamel integral
Two degree of freedom system – Normal modes of vibration – Natural frequencies - Mode
shapes - Introduction to MDOF systems – Decoupling of equations of motion – Concept of
mode superposition (No derivations).
Causes of Earthquake – Geological faults – Tectonic plate theory – Elastic rebound – Epicentre
– Hypocentre – Primary, shear and Raleigh waves – Seismogram – Magnitude and intensity of
earthquakes – Magnitude and Intensity scales – Spectral Acceleration - Information on some
disastrous earthquakes
Response and design spectra – Design earthquake – concept of peak acceleration – Site
specific response spectrum – Effect of soil properties and damping – Liquefaction of soils –
Importance of ductility – Methods of introducing ductility into RC structures.
IS 1893, IS 13920 and IS 4326 – Codal provisions – Design as per the codes – Base isolation
techniques – Vibration control measures – Important points in mitigating effects of earthquake
on structures.
1. Chopra, A.K., “Dynamics of Structures – Theory and Applications to Earthquake
Engineering”, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
1. Biggs, J.M., “Introduction to Structural Dynamics”, McGraw–Hill Book Co., N.Y., 1964
2. Dowrick, D.J., “Earthquake Resistant Design”, John Wiley & Sons, London, 1977
3. Paz, M., “Structural Dynamics – Theory & Computation”, CSB Publishers & Distributors,
Shahdara, Delhi, 1985
4. NPEEE Publications.

click here to download

tags :- ce 2403 basics of dynamics and aseismic design 2 marks pdf, ce2403 pdf, bdad 2 marks, bdad pdf, civil engineerins notes, 7th sem notes, study material of civil engineering,question bank pdf, question bank of dynamics.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

CE 2401 design of staircase

CE 2401 design of staircase

click here  to download

Design of staircases (ordinary and doglegged) – Design of flat slabs – Design of Reinforced concrete walls –Principles of design of mat foundation-Introduction to prestressed concrete-Principles –types and methods of prestressing - BIS Codal Provisions

labels : ce2401 pdf, ce 2401, design of staricase, civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012, anna university civil engineering syllabus, regulation 2008.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

IS 7325 specification of fresh concrete

IS 7325 specification of fresh concrete

click here to download

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards  Institution on 21 February 1974, after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been- approved by the Civil 
Engineering Division Council. 

The Indian Standards Institution has already published a series of standards on methods of testing cement and concrete. It has been recognized that reliable and inter comparable test results can be 
obtained only with standard testing equipment capable of giving the desired level of accuracy. The Sectional Committee has, therefore, decided to bring out a series of specifications covering the requirements of equipment used for testing cement and concrete, to encourage its development and manufacture in the country. 

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

labels : is 7325 , is 7325 pdf,IS 3370 PART 1 2 3 4,IS 456,SP 16,IRC 37 2001,IRC 37 2012,IS 1343,CE  2038,CE 2255,design of pavement,CE 2038 PDF,IS 383,IRC 65.CIVIL IS CODES.is 456 2000 pdf,is 800 2007,irc 65,irc66,irc72,irc73,is 875

is 9103 concrete admixtures standards

IS 9103 concrete admixtures standards

This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.

Admixtures are materials added to the concrete before or during its mixing, with a view to modifjring one or more of the properties of concrete in the plastic or hardened state. An important feature of the majority of admixtures for concrete is that it is difficult to quantitatively evaluate the behaviour of the concrete under various possible circumstances. Therefore, performance of an admixture is evaluated by comparing the properties of concrete with the admixture under test with those of concrete without any admixture or with a reference admixture. This standard lays down the procedure for such a relative evaluation of admixtures for concrete.

In recent time there has been a lot of development in the field of admixtures. Superplasticizers, both normal and retarding type, constitute a major group of admixtures used by site engineers now. Superplasticizers help in lowering the water/cement ratio so as to contribute to the enhancement of durability. In this first revision of the standard, first published in 1979, requirements of superplasticizers in detail and methods of determination of flow of concrete of high workability have been added.

This standard also gives uniformity tests which demonstrate that a particular consignment is similar to material that has previously been submitted to the acceptance test. The admixtures covered in this standard are intended mainly for modifying a single property in concrete, but some of the admixtures available in the market are often capable of modifying more than one property of-the concrete. In addition, an admixture may be used to improve the desirable properties of concrete in more than
one way. For example, water reducing admixtures ( see 3.4 ) may be used to improve the workability of concrete with the same water and cement contents, to increase the compressive strength without changing the workability by reduction of the water content in the concrete mix or to effect saving in cement content by reduction in both the cement and water contents in the mix while maintaining the same workability and compressive strength as in~the reference concrete. In such cases, the procedure of evaluation of the admixture may have to be appropriately chosen. This standard also provided for evaluation of admixtures for specific use with the materials and mix proportions to be used on the work.

The performance of concrete admixtures including superplasticizers depend upon both the admixtures and the cement and their compatibility, in addition to the~concrete mix proportions and the environmental conditions in the field. Among the characteristics of the cement, which affect the performance of concrete admixtures including superplasticizers are the &A, SO, and alkali contents, nature of sulphates, and the fineness. The ambient temperature and humidity conditions influence the performance of set-controlling admixtures and affect the retention of enhanced workability ( slump loss ) when water-reducing admixtues and superplasticizers are used. While no generalisation of these effects is possible, it is nevertheless necessary to evaluate concrete admixtures for specific use with the concrete-making materials and mix proportions to be used on the work, under lield conditions. This standard also provides for such specific evaluation of an admixture, in addition to
the general evaluation for confomity to the requirements of this standard. The requirements of integral waterproofing admixtures are covered in IS 2645 : 1975 ‘Specification for integral cement waterproofing compounds (first revision )‘.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)‘. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

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labels: is 9103 pdf, is 9103, IS 3370 PART 1 2 3 4,IS 456,SP 16,IRC 37 2001,IRC 37 2012,IS 1343,CE  2038,CE 2255,design of pavement,CE 2038 PDF,IS 383,IRC 65.CIVIL IS CODES.is 456 2000 pdf,is 800 2007,irc 65,irc66,irc72,irc73,is 875

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

IS 455 portland slag cement - specification

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This standard was first published in 1953 and subsequently revised in 1962,1967 and 1976. This fourth revision incorporates the modifications required as a result of experience gained with the use of this specification and to bring the standard in line with the present practices followed in the production and testing of cement. 

Since publication of the third revision of this standard, large number of amendments have been issued from time to time in order to modify various requirements based on the experience gained with the
use of the standard and the requirements of the users and also keeping in view the raw materials and
fuel available in the country for manufacture of cement. The important amendments include incorporating a value of 28 day compressive strength, increasing the requirement regarding loss on ignition from 4’0 to 5’0, increasing the insoluble residue content from 2’5 to 4 percent, making autoclave soundness test compulsory, incorporating a provision for retest in respect of autoclave soundness test after aeration of the cement, incorporating a clause on false set of cement and permitting packaging of cement in 25 kg bags. In view of these large number of amendments, the Sectional Committee decided to bring out the fourth revision of the standard incorporating all these amendments so as to make it more convenient for the users. The desirable requirements of granulated slag suitable for the manufacture of Portland slag cement have been deleted from this revision and reference has been made to IS 12089 : 1987 ‘Specification for granulated slag for the manufacture of Portland slag cement’.

labels: is 455, is 455 pdf,IS 455 portland slag cement - specification, civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012, anna university civil engineering syllabus, regulation 2008.

Monday, 15 December 2014

is 875 part 5 special loads and combination on buildings

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labels: is 875 part 5, is 875 pdf,is 875 part 5 special loads and combination on buildings,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012, anna university civil engineering syllabus, regulation 2008.

is 875 part- 4 snow loads on building

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labels: is 875 part 4 pdf,is 875 part- 4 snow loads on building, is 875,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012, anna university civil engineering syllabus, regulation 2008.

Sunday, 14 December 2014


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labels : is 875 PART 2 IMPOSED LOAD ON BUILDINGS, is875 pdf, is 875 part 2,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012, anna university civil 

Saturday, 13 December 2014


labels: is 875 pdf, is 875 1987 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DESIGN LOADS OTHER THAN EARTHQUAKE,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012, anna university civil codes. 

Saturday, 6 December 2014


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labels : IRC 93 1985 GUIDELINES OF INSTALLATION OF ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNALS,irc 93,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012

Friday, 5 December 2014


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labels: IRC 86 1983 GEOMETRIC DESIGN STANDARDS FOR URBAN ROADS IN PLAINS, irc86,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012

Thursday, 4 December 2014


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labels: IRC 73 - 1980 GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF RURAL ROADS,irc 73 pdf,irc 73 1980,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012,


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labels: IRC 72 - 1978 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE OF TOOLS IN BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, IRC72,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012,


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tags:irc66-1976civil-engineering-code book,is-code,Indian-standard-code-books, anna university-code-books,IRC-66- 1976-RECOMMENDED-PRACTICE-FOR-SIGHT-DISTANCE FOR-RURAL-HIGHWAYS

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


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labels : IS 800 2007 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION IN STEEL - CODE OF PRACTICE, is800-2007-pdf,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books


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labels : IS456 2000 PDF,IS 456 - 2000 PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE - CODE OF PRACTICE,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, plain and reinforced concrete code of practice,is-456.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


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labels:civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IRC 65 - 1976 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR TRAFFIC ROTARIES, irc65 pdf, 

Saturday, 29 November 2014

IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete

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labels:  IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books


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syllabus of BE civil engineering regulation - 2008
subjects below - 
HS2161 ,Technical English,MA2161,Mathematics ,PH2161,Engineering Physics ,CY2161Engineering Chemistry, ME2151, EE2151, EC2151,Engineering Mechanics,GE2151, GE2152,Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering, PRACTICAL, GE2155 Computer Practice Laboratory,GS2165 Physics & Chemistry Laboratory,ME2155 Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling Laboratory,EE2155,EC2155,Electrical Circuits Laboratory,MA 2211 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations,GE 2021 Environmental Science and Engineering,AG 2211 Applied Geology,CE 2201 Mechanics of Solids, CE 2202 Mechanics of Fluids,CE 2203 Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice,CE 2204 Surveying– I MA 2264 Numerical Methods,CE 2251 Soil Mechanics,CE 2252 Strength of Materials,CE 2253 Applied Hydraulic Engineering,CE 2254 Surveying – II ,CE 2255 Highway Engineering,CE2301 Irrigation Engineering,CE2302 Structural Analysis I,CE2303 Railways, Airports and Harbour Engineering, CE2304 Environmental Engineering I,CE2305 Foundation Engineering,CE2306 Design of RC Elements,MG2351 Principles of Management,CE2351 Structural Analysis – II,CE2352 Design of Steel Structures,CE2353 Construction Planning & Scheduling,CE2354 Environmental Engineering II CE2355 Environmental and Irrigation Engineering,CE2356 Environmental Engineering Laboratory, CE2357 Survey Camp,CE2401 Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures,CE2402 Estimation and Quantity Surveying,CE2403 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design,CE2404 Prestressed Concrete Structures,CE2451 Engineering Economics and Cost Analysis,CE2453 Project Work,CE2021 Hydrology,CE2022 Cartography,CE2023 Electronic Surveying,CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS,CE2025 Architecture,GE2022 Total Quality Management,GE2023 Fundamentals of Nanoscience,GE2025 Professional Ethics in Engineering,GE2071 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),GE2072 Indian Constitution and Society,CE2026 Traffic Engineering and Management,CE2027 Housing Planning and Management,CE2028 Ground Water Engineering,CE2029 Management of Irrigation Systems,CE2030 Coastal Zone Management,CE2031 Water Resources Engineering,CE2032 Pavement Engineering,CE2033 Ground Improvement Techniques,GE2073 Contract Laws and Regulations, CE2034 Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations,CE2035 Rock Engineering,CE2036 Environmental Impact Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects,CE2037 Industrial Waste Management,CE2038 Air Pollution Management, CE2039 Municipal Solid Waste Management, CE2040 Ecological Engineering,CE2041 Bridge Structures, CE2042 Storage Structures, CE2043 Design of Plate and Shell Structures, CE2044 Tall Buildings, CE2045 Prefabricated structures, CE2046 Wind Engineering, CE2047 Computer Aided Design of Structures, CE2048 Industrial Structures, CE2049 Smart Structures and smart Materials, CE2050 Finite Element Techniques, CE2071 Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures,syllabus,anna university civil engineering syllabus regulation 2008. 

labels: HS2161 ,Technical English,MA2161,Mathematics ,PH2161,Engineering Physics ,CY2161Engineering Chemistry, ME2151, EE2151, EC2151,Engineering Mechanics,GE2151, GE2152,Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering, PRACTICAL, GE2155 Computer Practice Laboratory,GS2165 Physics & Chemistry Laboratory,ME2155 Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling Laboratory,EE2155,EC2155,Electrical Circuits Laboratory,MA 2211 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations,GE 2021 Environmental Science and Engineering,AG 2211 Applied Geology,CE 2201 Mechanics of Solids, CE 2202 Mechanics of Fluids,CE 2203 Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice,CE 2204 Surveying– I MA 2264 Numerical Methods,CE 2251 Soil Mechanics,CE 2252 Strength of Materials,CE 2253 Applied Hydraulic Engineering,CE 2254 Surveying – II ,CE 2255 Highway Engineering,CE2301 Irrigation Engineering,CE2302 Structural Analysis I,CE2303 Railways, Airports and Harbour Engineering, CE2304 Environmental Engineering I,CE2305 Foundation Engineering,CE2306 Design of RC Elements,MG2351 Principles of Management,CE2351 Structural Analysis – II,CE2352 Design of Steel Structures,CE2353 Construction Planning & Scheduling,CE2354 Environmental Engineering II CE2355 Environmental and Irrigation Engineering,CE2356 Environmental Engineering Laboratory, CE2357 Survey Camp,CE2401 Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures,CE2402 Estimation and Quantity Surveying,CE2403 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design,CE2404 Prestressed Concrete Structures,CE2451 Engineering Economics and Cost Analysis,CE2453 Project Work,CE2021 Hydrology,CE2022 Cartography,CE2023 Electronic Surveying,CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS,CE2025 Architecture,GE2022 Total Quality Management,GE2023 Fundamentals of Nanoscience,GE2025 Professional Ethics in Engineering,GE2071 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),GE2072 Indian Constitution and Society,CE2026 Traffic Engineering and Management,CE2027 Housing Planning and Management,CE2028 Ground Water Engineering,CE2029 Management of Irrigation Systems,CE2030 Coastal Zone Management,CE2031 Water Resources Engineering,CE2032 Pavement Engineering,CE2033 Ground Improvement Techniques,GE2073 Contract Laws and Regulations, CE2034 Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations,CE2035 Rock Engineering,CE2036 Environmental Impact Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects,CE2037 Industrial Waste Management,CE2038 Air Pollution Management, CE2039 Municipal Solid Waste Management, CE2040 Ecological Engineering,CE2041 Bridge Structures, CE2042 Storage Structures, CE2043 Design of Plate and Shell Structures, CE2044 Tall Buildings, CE2045 Prefabricated structures, CE2046 Wind Engineering, CE2047 Computer Aided Design of Structures, CE2048 Industrial Structures, CE2049 Smart Structures and smart Materials, CE2050 Finite Element Techniques, CE2071 Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures,syllabus,anna university civil engineering syllabus regulation 2008.

Thursday, 27 November 2014


Improvement of pavement using geosynthetics                                

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labels: DESIGN OF PAVEMENT WITH GEOSYNTHETICS, Improvement of pavement using geosynthetics, innovation in pavement, pavement design, geopolymer, improvement in road construction, innovation in pavement, iit projects,