labels: IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books
indian standard code of practice,IS 3370 PART 1 2 3 4,IS 456,SP 16,IRC 37 2001,IRC 37 2012,IS 1343,CE 2038,CE 2255,design of pavement,CE 2038 PDF,IS 383,IRC 65.CIVIL IS 456 2000 pdf,is 800 2007,irc 65,irc66,irc72,irc73,is 875
Saturday, 29 November 2014
IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete
labels: IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete,civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books
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syllabus of BE civil engineering regulation - 2008
subjects below -
syllabus of BE civil engineering regulation - 2008
subjects below -
HS2161 ,Technical English,MA2161,Mathematics ,PH2161,Engineering Physics ,CY2161Engineering Chemistry, ME2151, EE2151, EC2151,Engineering Mechanics,GE2151, GE2152,Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering, PRACTICAL, GE2155 Computer Practice Laboratory,GS2165 Physics & Chemistry Laboratory,ME2155 Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling Laboratory,EE2155,EC2155,Electrical Circuits Laboratory,MA 2211 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations,GE 2021 Environmental Science and Engineering,AG 2211 Applied Geology,CE 2201 Mechanics of Solids, CE 2202 Mechanics of Fluids,CE 2203 Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice,CE 2204 Surveying– I MA 2264 Numerical Methods,CE 2251 Soil Mechanics,CE 2252 Strength of Materials,CE 2253 Applied Hydraulic Engineering,CE 2254 Surveying – II ,CE 2255 Highway Engineering,CE2301 Irrigation Engineering,CE2302 Structural Analysis I,CE2303 Railways, Airports and Harbour Engineering, CE2304 Environmental Engineering I,CE2305 Foundation Engineering,CE2306 Design of RC Elements,MG2351 Principles of Management,CE2351 Structural Analysis – II,CE2352 Design of Steel Structures,CE2353 Construction Planning & Scheduling,CE2354 Environmental Engineering II CE2355 Environmental and Irrigation Engineering,CE2356 Environmental Engineering Laboratory, CE2357 Survey Camp,CE2401 Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures,CE2402 Estimation and Quantity Surveying,CE2403 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic Design,CE2404 Prestressed Concrete Structures,CE2451 Engineering Economics and Cost Analysis,CE2453 Project Work,CE2021 Hydrology,CE2022 Cartography,CE2023 Electronic Surveying,CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS,CE2025 Architecture,GE2022 Total Quality Management,GE2023 Fundamentals of Nanoscience,GE2025 Professional Ethics in Engineering,GE2071 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),GE2072 Indian Constitution and Society,CE2026 Traffic Engineering and Management,CE2027 Housing Planning and Management,CE2028 Ground Water Engineering,CE2029 Management of Irrigation Systems,CE2030 Coastal Zone Management,CE2031 Water Resources Engineering,CE2032 Pavement Engineering,CE2033 Ground Improvement Techniques,GE2073 Contract Laws and Regulations, CE2034 Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations,CE2035 Rock Engineering,CE2036 Environmental Impact Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects,CE2037 Industrial Waste Management,CE2038 Air Pollution Management, CE2039 Municipal Solid Waste Management, CE2040 Ecological Engineering,CE2041 Bridge Structures, CE2042 Storage Structures, CE2043 Design of Plate and Shell Structures, CE2044 Tall Buildings, CE2045 Prefabricated structures, CE2046 Wind Engineering, CE2047 Computer Aided Design of Structures, CE2048 Industrial Structures, CE2049 Smart Structures and smart Materials, CE2050 Finite Element Techniques, CE2071 Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures,syllabus,anna university civil engineering syllabus regulation 2008.
labels: HS2161 ,Technical English,MA2161,Mathematics
,PH2161,Engineering Physics ,CY2161Engineering Chemistry, ME2151, EE2151,
EC2151,Engineering Mechanics,GE2151, GE2152,Basic Electrical & Electronics
Engineering, PRACTICAL, GE2155 Computer Practice Laboratory,GS2165 Physics
& Chemistry Laboratory,ME2155 Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling
Laboratory,EE2155,EC2155,Electrical Circuits Laboratory,MA 2211 Transforms and
Partial Differential Equations,GE 2021 Environmental Science and Engineering,AG
2211 Applied Geology,CE 2201 Mechanics of Solids, CE 2202 Mechanics of
Fluids,CE 2203 Construction Techniques, Equipment and Practice,CE 2204
Surveying– I MA 2264 Numerical Methods,CE 2251 Soil Mechanics,CE 2252 Strength
of Materials,CE 2253 Applied Hydraulic Engineering,CE 2254 Surveying – II ,CE
2255 Highway Engineering,CE2301 Irrigation Engineering,CE2302 Structural
Analysis I,CE2303 Railways, Airports and Harbour Engineering, CE2304
Environmental Engineering I,CE2305 Foundation Engineering,CE2306 Design of RC
Elements,MG2351 Principles of Management,CE2351 Structural Analysis – II,CE2352
Design of Steel Structures,CE2353 Construction Planning & Scheduling,CE2354
Environmental Engineering II CE2355 Environmental and Irrigation
Engineering,CE2356 Environmental Engineering Laboratory, CE2357 Survey
Camp,CE2401 Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures,CE2402
Estimation and Quantity Surveying,CE2403 Basics of Dynamics and Aseismic
Design,CE2404 Prestressed Concrete Structures,CE2451 Engineering Economics and
Cost Analysis,CE2453 Project Work,CE2021 Hydrology,CE2022 Cartography,CE2023
Electronic Surveying,CE2024 Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS,CE2025
Architecture,GE2022 Total Quality Management,GE2023 Fundamentals of
Nanoscience,GE2025 Professional Ethics in Engineering,GE2071 Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR),GE2072 Indian Constitution and Society,CE2026 Traffic
Engineering and Management,CE2027 Housing Planning and Management,CE2028 Ground
Water Engineering,CE2029 Management of Irrigation Systems,CE2030 Coastal Zone
Management,CE2031 Water Resources Engineering,CE2032 Pavement
Engineering,CE2033 Ground Improvement Techniques,GE2073 Contract Laws and
Regulations, CE2034 Introduction to Soil Dynamics and Machine
Foundations,CE2035 Rock Engineering,CE2036 Environmental Impact Assessment of
Civil Engineering Projects,CE2037 Industrial Waste Management,CE2038 Air
Pollution Management, CE2039 Municipal Solid Waste Management, CE2040
Ecological Engineering,CE2041 Bridge Structures, CE2042 Storage Structures,
CE2043 Design of Plate and Shell Structures, CE2044 Tall Buildings, CE2045
Prefabricated structures, CE2046 Wind Engineering, CE2047 Computer Aided Design
of Structures, CE2048 Industrial Structures, CE2049 Smart Structures and smart
Materials, CE2050 Finite Element Techniques, CE2071 Repair and Rehabilitation
of Structures,syllabus,anna university civil engineering syllabus regulation 2008.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Improvement of pavement using geosynthetics
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labels: DESIGN OF PAVEMENT WITH GEOSYNTHETICS, Improvement of pavement using geosynthetics, innovation in pavement, pavement design, geopolymer, improvement in road construction, innovation in pavement, iit projects,
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labels: DESIGN OF PAVEMENT WITH GEOSYNTHETICS, Improvement of pavement using geosynthetics, innovation in pavement, pavement design, geopolymer, improvement in road construction, innovation in pavement, iit projects,
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
CE2255 Highway Engineering pdf
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labels: 4th sem civil notes, highway engineering notes, ce2255 pdf, highway engineering pdf, civil engineering notes, highway engineering book.
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- This code deals with the general structural use of prestressed concrete. It covers both work carried out on site and the manufacture of precast prestressed concrete units.
- Special requirements of structures such as pipes and poles covered in respective codes have not been covered in this code; these codes shall be used in conjunction with this code.
labels:civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books,is1343,IS1343 1980 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE
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labels: AIR POLLUTION MANAGEMENT CE2038 PDF, CE2038 SUBJECT NOTES, civil 7th sem notes pdf.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
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- The Guidelines shall apply to the design of new flexible pavements for Expressways, National Highways, State Highways, Major District Roads and other categories of roads predominantly carrying motorized vehicles. These guidelines do not form a rigid standard and sound engineering judgment considering the local environment and past pavement performance in the respective regions should be given due consideration while selecting a pavement composition.
- For the purpose of the guidelines, flexible pavements include pavements with Bituminous surfacing over:
- Granular base and sub-base
- Cementitious bases and sub-bases with a crack relief layer of aggregate interlayer below the bituminous surfacing
- Cementitious bases and sub-bases with SAMI in-between bituminous surfacing and the cementitious base layer for retarding the reflection cracks into the bituminous layer
- Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) with or without addition of fresh aggregates treated with foamed bitumen/bitumen emulsion
- Use of deep strength long life bituminous pavement
- These guidelines shall not be straightway applied to overlay design for which IRC 81-997 or a more suitable procedure based on evaluation of in situ properties of pavement layers by Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) should be used (25,56).
- The guidelines may require revision from time to time in the light of future developments and experience in the field. Towards this end, it is suggested that all the organizations intending to use the guidelines should keep a detailed record of the year of construction, subgrade CBR, soil characteristics including resilient modulus, pavement composition and specifications, traffic, pavement performance, overlay history, climatic conditions etc. and provide feedback to the Indian Roads Congress for further revision.
labels: civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS456, SP16, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012,IRC 37 - 2012 GUIDELINES FOR THE DESIGN OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS
IRC 37-2001 Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements
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- The guidelines on design of flexible pavement were first brought out in 1970, which were based on California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of subgrade and traffic in terms of number of commercial vehicles (more than 3 tonnes laden weight). These guidelines were revised in 1984 in which design traffic was considered in terms of cumulative number of equivalent standard axle load of 80 kN in millions of standard axles (msa) and design charts were provided for traffic up to 30 msa using an empirical approach.
- The guidelines were revised again in 2001 when pavements were required to be designed for traffic as high as 150 msa. The revised guidelines used a semi-mechanistic approach based on the results of the MORTH’s research scheme R-56 implemented at IIT Kharagpur. The software, FPAVE was developed for the analysis and design of flexible pavements. Multilayer elastic theory was adopted for stress analysis of the layered elastic system. A large number of data collected from different parts of India under various research schemes of MORTH were used for the development of fatigue and rutting criteria from field performance data.
- The traffic pattern has changed since then and so has the technology. The volume of tandem, tridem and multi-axle vehicles has increased manifold and heavier axle loads are common. Experience has been gained on the use of new form of construction and materials such as stone matrix asphalt, modified bitumen, foamed bitumen, bitumen emulsion, warm asphalt, cementitious bases and sub-bases, since the publication of the last revision of the guidelines. Conventional as well as commercially available chemical soil stabilizers are being successfully used in trial sections. Attention is focused on fatigue resistant bituminous mixes with high viscosity binders for heavy traffic with a view to construct high performance long life bituminous pavements. The guidelines contained in this document reflect the current knowledge in the subject.
- Conventional construction material like aggregates is becoming progressively scarce on account of environmental concerns as well as legal restrictions on quarrying while the construction activity has expanded phenomenally. This has shifted focus from large scale use of conventional aggregates to use of local, recycled and engineered marginal aggregates in construction.
- It is recognized that research as well as performance trials have not been very extensive in India for some of the new materials but these have been included in the guidelines in the light of extensive performance reports and current practice in Australia, South Africa and other countries with due safeguards in design for heavy axle loads. Some trials in India have performed well (Annex XI).
labels:civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IRC37 2001,IRC 37 2012,IRC 37-2001 Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements
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This standard ( Part IV ) recommends design tables, which are intended as an aid for the design of reinforced or prestressed concrete structures for storage of liquid.
labels:civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370, IS 3370 PART - 4 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES FOR THE STORAGE OF LIQUIDS PART IV DESIGN TABLES
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This standard (Part III ) lays down the requirements applicable specifically to the prestressed concrete structures for the storage of liquids, mainly water. These requirements are in addition to the general requirements laid down in IS : 3370 ( Part I )-1965.
- Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( second revision ).
- Code of practice for prestressed concrete.
- Rules for rounding off numerical valua( r&d ).
- Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids:
This code does not cover the requirements for reinforced and prestressed concrete structures for storage of hot liquids and liquids of low viscosity and high penetrating power lie petrol, diesel oil, etc. Special problems of shrinkage arising in the storage of non-aqueous liquids and the measures necessary where chemical attack is possible, are also not dealt with. The recommendations, however, may generally be applicable to the storage at normal temperatures of aqueous liquids and solutions which have no detrimental action on concrete and steel or where sufficient precautions are taken to ensure protection of concrete and steel from damage due to action of such liquids as in the case of sewage.
labels: civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code books, IS3370,IS 3370 PART - 3 1967 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES FOR THE STORAGE, OF LIQUIDS PART III PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURES
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click here to downloadThis standard ( Part 11 ) lays down the requirements applicable specifically to reinforced concrete structures for the storage of liquids, mainly water. These requirements ate in addition to the general requirements laid down in IS : 3370 ( Part II )-1965.
- Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( second revision ).
- Codc of practice for prestrcsscd concrete.
- Rules for numerical values ( revised ).
- Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids: Part 2
General requirements.
This code does not cover the requirements for reinforced and prestressed concrete structures for storage of hot liquids and liquids of low viscosity and high penetrating power like petrol, diesel ,oil, etc. Special problems of shrinkage arising in the storage of non-aqueous liquid and the measures necessary where chemical attack is possible, are also not dealt with. The recommendations, however, may generally be applicable to the storage at normal temperatures of aqueous liquids and solutions which have no detrimental action on concrete and steel or where sufficient precautions are taken ‘to ensure protection of concrete and steel from damage due to action of such liquids as in the case of sewage.
labels: civil engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, Anna university code books, IS3370,IS 3370 PART-2 1965 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES FOR THE STORAGE OF LIQUIDS PART II REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES
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0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part I) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 19 November 1965, after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 The need for a code covering the design and construction of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures for the storage of liquids has been long felt in this country. So far, such structures have been designed to varying standards adapted from the recommendations of the Institution
of Civil Engineers and of the Portland Cement Association with ‘the result that the resultant structures cannot be guaranteed to possess a uniform safety margin and dependability. Moreover, the design and construction methods in reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete are influenced by
the prevailing construction practices, the physical properties of the materials and the climatic conditions. The need was, therefore, felt to lay down uniform requirements of structures for the storage of liquids giving due consideration to these factors. In order to fulfil this need, formulation
of this Indian Standard code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids [ IS : 3370-1965 J was undertaken. This part deals with general requirements. Three other parts of the code are the following:
Part II Reinforced concrete structures
Part III Prestressed concrete structures
Part IV Design tables
0.3 Although the provisions of this code cover mainly structures for the storage of liquids the general provisions of this code may also be applied with such modifications as found necessary, to suit the special conditions in the design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures for
the conveyance of liquids, such as aqueducts and superpassages.
0.4 While the common methods of design and construction have-been covered in this code, design of structures of special forms or in unusual circumstances should be left to the judgement of the engineer and in such 3 IS 337O (PartI)-1965 cases special systems of design and construction may be permitted on production of satisfactory evidence regarding their adequacy and safety by analysis or test or by both.
0.5 In this standard it has been assumed that the design of liquid retaining structures, whether of plain, reinforced or prestressed concrete is entrusted to a qualified engineer and that the execution of the work is carried out under the direction of an experienced supervisor.
0.6 All requirements of IS : 456-1964* and IS : 1343-1960, in so far as they .apply, shall be deemed to form part of this code except where otherwise laid down in this code.
0.7 The figures 1 to 7 given in this code are only diagramatic and are intended merely to illustrate the definitions and principles given in the code and need not be treated as preferred designs.
0.8, The Sectional Committee responsible for the preparation of this standard has taken into consideration the views of engineers and technologists and has related the standard to the practices followed in the country in this field. Due weightage has also been given to the need for international
co-ordination between the standards prevailing in different countries of the world. These considerations led the Sectional Committee to derive assistance from published materials of the following organizations:
British Standards Institution,
Portland Cement Association, Chicago, USA, and
Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
0.9 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed.,or cal+.dated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960$. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
engineering code book,is code, Indian standard code books, anna university code
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